Monday, May 14, 2012

Steroids or sweat

With so much talk about performance enhancing drugs in sports, it’s hard not to want to get my hands on some. They seem pretty magical. Fraught with problems, yes, but when you see muscle bound jocks performing incredible physical feats, you must admit there’s some magic in those drugs. I’m jogging, swimming and lifting weights, but I’m going to need more.  I'd love muscle drugs. C’mon, don’t judge, I might have to fight off a shark! I’ve got to be strong.

But the truth is, if I could figure out how to get my hands on a performance enhancing drug, I’m pretty sure it’d make me throw up and snap at my kids; two things I try to avoid.   Plus I like my neck the size it is. And as a former Catholic, the guilt from thinking that I was cheating would degrade my sense of accomplishment. You know, assuming I accomplish this.

So what’s left for a wannabe surfer who needs to shape up in a hurry? Professional help.  I’m going to start working out with a trainer this week. I’ll be putting myself in Jeff’s capable hands and trusting that some muscle will come the old-fashioned way. No magic, just hard work and lots of sweat. 

Seemed like a good idea to swap a pomegranate, seltzer, bitters and lemon spritzer for my nightly glass of wine. It makes a tasty and surprisingly good substitute.  
I've made some changes in my diet as well. As pictured above, I've swapped a pomegranate, seltzer, bitters and lemon spritzer for my frequent - o.k., almost daily -  5pm glass of wine.  It makes a tasty and surprisingly good substitute.  That's gotta help, right?  Shed a few pounds and there's less girth  to push up onto the surfboard.

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